John arrived yesterday and managed to get me a few of the things that I needed. He bought me a 500gm packet of dried lentils for R60, some baked beans and some sweetcorn. (Those carrots we bought cost R25 by the way!) I asked for Balsamic vinegar and received this instead....
What should I do? Send him back on the 8 hour round trip to return it or just add ice and water when I run out of whiskey?
We went to Atebubu in the afternoon and I was very tempted to take one of these little ones home,
but I would have to leave it behind when we left and that would be terribly sad. I really wished I had some water with me for the mommy as she looked exhausted.
I was waiting for Porks in the vehicle and two men came up to talk to me. I was quite comfortable chatting to them, still cautious, but not worried about consequences as I would have back home. I tend to place most men of a darker hue under the same umbrella and its sad as I am probably missing out on many learning experiences.
Crossing the road or driving into a T-junction in Ghana is pretty scary. Our immediate instinct is to look right, left, right, and then go. Here, it is left, right, left. Because we aren't sure and not used to this, we end up looking left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right the whole way across the road clutching onto whomever is around for security. You too, Hayls?
We went to Atebubu "Cold Store" and bought New Zealand Blue Mackerel, sold as salmon. (Roger, please don't tell me that these are on the red SASSI list!) and chicken pieces from USA.
We cooked the fish for supper, well Porks did, and he got very frustrated as the gas in the oven kept going off. It was doing the same for me when I was baking so he's even more impressed with my results. The microwave is also temperamental and sometimes works and sometimes just has fun going round and round.
We stopped and took a photo of the leaves of the Baobab tree for you to identify, Orf. The green leaves were too high up to see clearly but you can get a vague idea.
The pods and the leaves were lying on the ground. I hope you can identify them for me Orf, thanks.
I managed to make some cottage cheese! I don't know whether it is the correct method as I didn't have yoghurt for the culture or citric acid to make ricotta but I am thrilled with the results.
Porks had the left-over pork for supper and said it was even better than the first time. He kissed the tips of his fingers of both hands and then shot them open with a "MWA". So again I am a beauty!
I have put a larger log on the verandah for Gundi to climb and explore. I can't spend too much time with her outside as it either gets too hot or we get inundated with little people. Great for me, scary for Gunds. She needs time to dig, scratch and climb and this is the next best thing. Spot the Gunds!
Her favourite food is raw chicken and so she is in her element today as we have about 20kgs of it in the freezer now.
I normally get up early in the morning and take Gundi outside for her ablutions. I was a little late this morning and when I got to her she screeched, so I put her on my shoulder to take her outside and before I could leave, there was a warm gentle liquid running down my shoulder and back. The trials of being a new mother!
Porks came home from work tonight and said "Let's go and have a drink with the Nichs!" If only!
Hi Shazza!!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome blog. From my astute identification skills of the grand Baobab and looking at the pod, it is a Baobab. The ultimate test is to taste the cream of tartar pulp around the seed.
Hope you are very well.
All the best and hope to see you guys soon.
I am so jelous of what you are experiencing.
Shot Orf! Thanks so much! Hugs all round! XXX
ReplyDeleteApple cider vinegar - delicious :) xxx
ReplyDeleteI KNOW! Two bottles nogal! Loveya!
DeleteHI Sharon,
ReplyDeleteYour blogs are excellent. Glad you have met a little friend Gundi. The mackerel are not from South African waters therefore not on the SASSI list. NZ has very good marine protected areas and look after their fish stocks better than us, so would be on their green list. Been helping Kelly in your garden, having lots of fun.
Chat soon,
I can imagine how tempting it would have been to take one of those gorgeous pups ... but at least you have sweet little Gundi! Love the pics Shan.
ReplyDeleteWe will be experiencing 39 deg on the Gold Coast today. What is your average daily temp at the moment?
Eish thats hot. The trouble here is that it doesn't cool down at night. The average temperature for the year here is about 28.8 degrees and in Pietermaritzburg its 18.5 degrees. I haven't got a barometer but its probably about 34 and only drops 2 or 3 degrees at night so there is no respite.