Friday 30 November 2012

Busy Me

John, the driver, didn't manage to get all my requests but he had to go to Kumasi yesterday so maybe I'll get the rest of my order today.  Poor chap.  Kumasi is about 4 hours away and he had just got back from Accra...sorry for him but maybe lucky for me!

I had the correct ingredients for crunchies (I used honey instead of syrup) and they were a hit!

The pork chops actually turned out nicely too, very tender, after 11 hrs in the slow cooker. I added some of the carrots and some tinned peas. It was edible so I am improving!

When we have finished eating at night and there are left-overs, we have to wait until they haved cooled down enough to place them in the fridge. Well, here, we have to put them in the fridge to cool them down enough to put them into the fridge!

During the 1960s, Porks' Dad used to help a South African, African man who worked in Ghana.  He was given a coffee table by this man who brought it from Ghana that had an elephant holding up the top.  When we were at the hotel in Kumasi, we saw this "sugar-holding" elephant that is very similar to our table. It was quite touching to be connected to Reggie again, who left us 11 years ago.

I am loving writing my blog!  It should be a compulsory activity for everyone.  What it does, is make one look for the humour in every day situations and for the good in less than perfect events.  Your feedback is a life-saver though, thanks everybody, as otherwise I am just writing to myself and not sharing this with anyone.  (I regret not responding to Emma, sorry Em.  I loved your blog but didn't tell you enough!) 

Mike and Vonnie, my brother and sister in law, bought me an ipad (the best thing EVER! - big hug!) before I came and downloaded a thousand books for me, all great reading. Mandy and Greg organised hundreds of movies and series for us on 2 external hard-drives.  So, I have plenty of entertainment when I get the time, in between trying to cook meeeals and doing my haaaiirr and watering the gaaaarden and pruning the rosssses, phew! busy lady me.

Gundi can climb!  I have placed a comforter on the couch to help with........ comfort (!) and Gundi is strong enough to get up by herself.  I used to have to help her up when she screeched and now I say "you can do it Gunds" and she does.  I have brought in some small logs from outside and she is loving them.  She grabs the smaller one in her paws and does head-over-heels with it and taps it like playing with a live insect.  You'd love her!
(I try not to think of my darling Tiki and Scruffy otherwise I'll get too sad - I miss them terribly. I am just so grateful for their replacement though.) 

I would normally be saying "Woza weekend" but here Porks works every day so the weekend is not that much different from the other days of the week.  Perhaps next weekend will be better as Friday is a public holiday (Ha, I put the "L" in this time girls!) as well as Election day, so I don't think there'll be much work going on.


  1. Love following your blog, Shan, as I did Jessica's (Jessica Watson the young sailor). I am praying that this is going to be just as much an adventure for you in a far distant land as hers was on the high seas, different, but both SO interesting! Love ya, Fay

    1. Thanks Fay. Connectivity on and off since Friday so can only reply on phone. Have new blog but can't send it yet. Thanks for support. Really need it here.

  2. So enjoying your blog. I have passed the link onto the Mackenzie's so that Sean can keep up with "gundy". If you don't get food brought in, what is available locally? I don't want to make you home sick, but I am watching the cricket. At this point SA looks like they are on a roll to beat the Aussie's YAY!! Love to you both, Pen

    1. Thanks Pen. Locally we can always get yam and cassava. Sometimes onions tomatoes bread. Have to go to Atebubu or Kwama Danso for oil, cabbage etc. and then Kumasi or Accra for cereals, tomato sauce, diet coke etc. We aren't allowed to drive ourselves further than Atebubu. We have to have a driver for Kumasi etc. but only single cab at the moment so we can't go ourselves. Double cab been ordered so hopefully soon. Lol. Shan xxx

  3. Hi Shan, you are brave and beautiful woman, and it is great to follow your adventure. Porks is a very lucky man and I am sure he knows it. How super for him that you are there, at least he gets some real meals ect. I understand that Ghundi is a pleasure, we have just given Yvette a kitten to add some pleasure to her life, something she can cuddle and love and care for it makes a big difference. Life here is absolutely divine, the openes and sea and yet great shops near by. We are very happy that we took de great step and hope that you guys will be able to visit some time to share it with us. Shan did you give Amberfield our new telefilm number? We will keep in touch, do you do everything on your iPad or on a computer? Love you both lots M&V

    1. Thanks Mike and Von. No I didn't give Amberfield number Von, just email. I have to use computer at home as 3G doesn't work here unfortunately but wonderful for everything else. Love to you all. Shan and Porks. XXX

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Melissa. Thanks for encouragement! X

  5. Don't worry about it Sharon, took me ages to work out how to leave comments on this one! Just want to tell you how perfect your writing is - when I read this it sounds just like you, what more could you want x

    1. Thanks Em. I really appreciate your support! Waiting for connection to send next one. X
