Thursday 13 December 2012

One month down!

One month month to go!  My worm is getting shorter!
This time next month we will be home in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

Firstly apologies, I haven't been able to connect to the internet since Monday.  I am also battling to get onto my email easily.  Bbm is easy and a wonderful invention!  We had to call in an expert, William, who spent an hour helping me with the connections. I am still learning and no IT geek.

One day a week the larger towns have a market day.  Wednesday is Kwame Danso's and because Porks had to buy some things for work, I went along to buy some onions and tomatoes.  Lorries from all over bring in plastic containers, shoes, underwear, jewellery, soccer attire etc., so we walked around to have a look.  Unless plastic shoes, size DD 46 bras or 20 litre plastic containers, no Christmas presents here.

Two stalls had Ghanaian material for sale. Bright, happy, loud material.  My eccentric late Auntie Doreen would have loved this!

I thought that this would be interesting for some of you.  These chickens were all standing in straight lines eating off the ground.  I was fascinated with their discipline.....until I saw that each one had one of their legs tied to a stick!  On the way back I made Porky take a photo as my hands were covering my eyes and I was peeping through my fingers. At least they were in the shade.

We stopped for petrol for the vehicle and also to fill up some plastic containers. Porks got back into the car quite indignant.  He said that the young lady had said to him, "You old, I'll pour!" and then laughed when he realised that she had actually said "You hold, I'll pour!"
We do have fun here!

We bought some plantain "chips" on the way home. Tasty! A little sweet from the plantain's natural flavour and a little salty from the additives.

Saw this beautifully clean and cool (literally) looking Salon and then saw the name! Not much faith in the beauty therapists! A sight for sore eyes in this dry and hot country; don't you think the decor is refreshing? I feel cooler just looking at the photo.

Porks has a thermometer on his Swiss Army knife I thought I'd show you the temperature recorded at lunch time today.  At 4 pm it was 44 degrees. This was in the sun, in the shade it was 36 degrees. Yesterday it was up to 50 degrees.  My poor man and the workers are out in the sun all day!            
It is accurate as indoors it displays 24 degrees, to which the air-conditioner is set.

I sometimes lie awake at night thinking about the blog and what I have written and realise that some things were not written accurately.  I said that the Ghanaians say cutlass for "sickle" instead of "panga."          (Well,'s important to ME!)

Porks insisted that I put in a picture of the dressing table that I made.  The connection to the louvre handle was from a tie that was on one of my electrical appliances.  According to the one who knows everything I am quote just like "Godiva."


  1. This was a good suggestion that you put up here...dude…..hope that it benefits all the ones who land up here.
    Electrical Wholesalers

  2. Hi my Shan! I got Tarn Parker to enable me to comment, so I hope you get this!?
    I am still loving your blog, but find MYSELF......counting the days to your return to pmb..............and civilisation.....FOR you!
    You have done amazingly well in adapting to you new life, looking at all things with you special sense of humour, adding a POSITIVE twist to everything.
    How long are you at home for? Do yourselves a favour..........get your friends to visit you, at YOUR home rather?! Allow yourself to ENJOY being AT home, with your precious dogs, Joyce, Kel etc! As much as I would love to see you...........IF that happened, I would come to you! You are such a PLEASER, allow people to spoil YOu for once!
    Anyway Shan, continue to wow us with your blog! Sleep tite! xxxx Robs

    1. Hi my Robs! Yay, you found me! I did reply to your other comment, thanks my special friend. We'll definately get together during the week that we are at home. 12th - 22nd. Glad that Tarn managed to help you. Need your love and support and know I'll always have it! Lots of love from sunny Ghana. Shan. XXX

  3. Oh Sharon, you do give us a chuckle with your blog!

    The Ghananian colours are beautiful and so cheerful. LOVED the beauty salon that needs a bit of help from above hee!

    Know what you mean about the fowls - saw the same thing in a part of Tahiti and couldn't bear to look.

    YAY, someone is going to look after Gundi!

    Keep on enjoying your adventure and keeping us entertained.

    Love, Fay

    1. Thanks Fay! Have a lovely birthday today with your family and friends. Love from sunny Ghana.

  4. Poor chickens - and Dad must have had to bite his tongue! Old man! Ha ha! Miss you and see you soooon!

    1. I couldn't look at those poor chickens....our ones at home had the BEST life! Love you darling! xxx

  5. Hi Sharon and Porky, Still loving reading your blog. Hope you both have a peaceful Christmas and that you have an extra special one when you get back to South Africa in Jan. Will be thinking of you both.
    Love Pen xx

    1. Hi Pen
      Thanks for support! Wishing YOU all a wondeful Christmas and extra special 2013! Sending love and hugs. Shan and Porks. XXX

  6. Hi Sharon,

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and lots of love for the New Year!

    John and Girlie
