Tuesday 25 December 2012

Kissimussi fikile!

I must have been a very good girl! 
Happy Christmas to me!

Most of these seeds are gifts from my friends, thank you. 
In a few months you'll catch me sitting at a table outside my house selling my produce to the passing traffic while Porks sleeps on a bench under the non-existent tree!


Porks went to the same Brony Salon that I went to.  Luckily it was open on Christmas Day.  Happy Christmas Porks!
We skyped Kelly in Botswana this morning and she bubbled, "Mom, your friends have been wonderful!"  Well, I KNOW that!!  I had to tell you that Kelly also appreciates all the support and love she has been getting from you! Thank you, it makes my time here a little easier.
We phoned Andrew in Cape Town and although he is also disappointed that the family are not together, his amazingly positive attitude helped me through my sadness!
Next Christmas will be different!
Before watering
                                                                          After watering
What a difference!
We nearly had a tragedy today!  We went to the nursery to check on the watering and I left Gundi next to the seedlings and walked ahead.  She was calling and calling and I just said "Come Gunds" but really ignoring her.  She then started screaming and I turned around and there were 10 crows and a yellow billed kite circling lower and lower.  I just screamed "Noooooooooooooo" and ran, dropping my glasses and nearly tripping in my panic to get there!   A flock of crows is ironically called a "murder!"  Well, if I had had a shotgun those birds would have been Christmas lunch for some Ghanaian!   Suddenly, Christmas Day is wonderful!
                                                   Sorry, Jen and Pips - nutting I can do!
Christmas lunch!  Tuna and sparkling red grape juice.
Cheers everyone!


  1. Cheers Mom and Dad! Love and miss you

    1. You too Kell.....more than you can imagine!

  2. It may be working. Merry Christmas Shan andPorks!

  3. Hi Ed. You found me again! XXX

  4. Hi Ed and Pen. Happy Christmas to you all! You found me, yay!!!
    Love Shan and Porks.

  5. Merry Christmas Sharon & Porks xx

    1. Thanks Em. Please also thank your family, the Orfords and the Stones for us for looking after Kell.
      She had a wonderful time. XXX

  6. Hello! Silly me! I wasnt signing in each time!!
    Loved all your blogs Shan and think you should be publishing them! You have a way of writing that gives us All a feel for the place! We are also learning lots, so keep it up girl! Gundi was definitely heaven sent, and am sure others like me are also getting attached to her---so glad she is there for you!
    Shed a tear for you at the horrid news you received, but could just see you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the "horse"!!
    That worm of yours may have got longer, but eventually it will produce a bigger and more beautiful butterfly! YOU know what I mean!

    Hope you have got some more whisky by now....Tell Porks, I Hi and I like his haircut!! By the way your hair is looking just as good as usual...I will pass on your ordeals to Justin when I see him soon. LOTS & Lots of love

    1. Hi my friend Haze. Thanks for reminding me about the caterpillar story!!! I had forgotten.
      Great to know that you are reading and enjoying them, see?, they need you in Ghana!
      Lots of love Shan.
      (I have more whiskey but am drinking with "lang tande". They are are getting shorter every time I drink though...that's all there is!) XXX
