I changed my anti-mosquito cream and she doesn't like the smell! She was sitting with Porks and after my shower I came through to the lounge and she cried for me. He put her on the floor and she scuttled across the room and climbed up to me and immediately I could see she was agitated. Straight away I said to Porks, "She doesn't like the smell!" She kept trying to come closer, mewing gently, but then sniffed the air and went away. Then back to me again, sniffing and mewing backwards and forwards. Eventually she climbed under my clothes and settled next to my hip where there is no cream. I felt as if I had betrayed her! Poor little thing.
There are many people who make charcoal and then take it to the side of the road where the lorry collects it and drives it to the main cities where it is sold. Porks told me that sometimes there is a one-ton lorry carrying a three-ton load. I tight-white-knuckle it when we are overtaking it on the very bumpy roads!
There are 8 days to Christmas and I'll have to keep my chin up and try and think of something to do to keep my mind off my children being so far away. Kelly (a.k.a. Kelly Nicholson) has been asked by so many of my friends to join them but she is going with her other family to Botswana. One of their 3 biological daughters, Melissa, Kelly's friend, is in Australia and will also be feeling lonely as she'll be the only member of the Nicholson's not there. Sorry, Meliss, my heart and love will be with you and Brad! Andrew has plenty of friends and will find someone to care for him in Cape Town. He always lands on his feet!
But, I'll have Porks, aaaaaaaaaaaaand GUNDI!
Funny place this....the longer one leaves the cold water running, the hotter the water gets.
By the time the water in the pipes is finished , the tank water takes over and its been in the hot sun all day. If you want coolish water, act fast!
Anybody with the slightest OCD would have a problem at our house. This is the falling off the wall almost every night shower! Someone worked out where the connection should sort of go, but then missed the mark and didn't screw it into the wall properly.
The mini-shower wall on the right is just not quite parallel to the wall on the left!
The towel rack too.
The mirror too!
I did take these photographs late at night!?!
Porks went to work on Sunday morning and when he was due to come back I heard the 4 wheeler hooter go off. So I thought, he's hit the hooter by mistake as he climbed off. 30 Seconds later it went off again, so I waited and he still didn't come in. The third time it went off I got a bit irritated and thought "He had better not be hooting for me!!!" I thought of walking outside in my bra and panties and high-heels like that Diet Sprite advert and saying..."Let's go!" The fourth time, I did get up and I walked outside and saw the little bibinis (black children) from next door running out the gate! They had come in, switched on the 4 wheeler key and were pressing the hooter! (He had gone to work in the truck.) Little blighters....bored on a Sunday afternoon!
I had an unexpected wobble on Friday. Nadiene, Kelly's friend, has a gorgeous little 4 year old daughter, Jordy. 12 Weeks ago, she had an operation on her hip and had to be in callipers for 3 months...no standing, walking or sitting. (Kell and I went to visit her in hospital straight after her op and there she was lying in plaster with her little legs splayed and an iron bar holding them in place. I said to her "You are such a brave little girl, Jordy" and she looked at me with her big eyes and in barely a whisper mouthed, "BIG girl!".) At her 6 week check-up everything looked fine but now that the 12 weeks are up the doctor has said it was unsuccessful and she needs to go through the whole process again. Nadiene also has a 1 year old son Warwick, and her husband is in Zambia! Poor little thing and poor Nadiene. Kelly told me that Nadiene had said that when they heard the bad news Jordy was comforting HER! (My daddy always said that girls have cups in their hearts that gradually fill up with tears and then one day they just have to overflow!) Well, according to Porks as well, my cup was full and the thought and picture of that precious, brave little girl (big, sorry Jords) wiping away her traumatised mommy's tears just got to me and I lost it. The good news is that my cup/glass is now half empty and will take a while to fill! The best news is that Jordy is alive and continuing to leave her special mark on this world!
Jose (I don't know how to put the thingy on the e) Porks' boss, sent me a bottle of Red South African wine. I have been feeling a little homesick this weekend and this just brought back lots of happy memories of game playing, boma braaing, cricket playing, over-eating, oobly doobling, fund-raising acting, dressing upping, laa-di-daaing, over-indulging (just a little), community supporting, skinny dipping, mostly memorable, and always laughing times with my wonderful family and friends! Thanks everyone! January here we come! As piglet said to Pooh..."Waaaaaiiiiit for meeeee!"
It will be sad not being there with all the family for Christmas! But luckily I have a new family that have welcomed me in with open arms. I am blessed to have such a big and loving family (including the fantastic Ingles's :). I will be sending lots of love and christmas cheer your way Sharon! And I am so excited for you to be going home soon :). Kiss to Porks and Gundi for me! Sending lots of love from oz. Melissa and Brad xxx
ReplyDeletePS Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Good attitude Melissa! I am so glad that you are blessed and will have a great festive season in spite of the fact that you'll be away from your immediate family, but as you say, you have some MORE people who love you!
ReplyDeleteLots of love to you and Brad. Please say hi to Brad's family from us too. xxx