Saturday 21 September 2013

Twice in two days!

 I was taken out twice in the last two days.

We had to go to Atebubu to get photos for the renewal of our visas and then went to Kumasi yesterday to get "non-citizen" identity cards to carry on our persons whenever we travel. New rule!

 The photo studio in Atebubu.

                                                          Respect is Resipucal. Too true!

 On the way to Kumasi we passed an outdoor book publishing business.

 I am officially a non-citizen of Ghana.

Porks' arm was slightly twisted and he bought me something to make my life in the kitchen a little easier.
I'll let you know of my attempts.

On the way home Porks read a sign out aloud, "the Church of the Pentecost" and asked "what's a pentecost?" 
I replied, "I think about R5.60."

1 comment:

  1. We were wandering what happened to you, thanks for the update. You are always in our minds and hearts, love M&V
