Thursday 5 September 2013

Its a small world!

Gundi follows me around the house and wants to sit near me while I am on the computer.  I put him on the table while I am working and as soon as I leave he lies on the keyboard where its warm - sweet thing.

Being house-bound and not having any company during the day besides Porks can be difficult and lonely but Gundi and Genie help make the time go more quickly and fill my heart with love and joy!

There is an "animal" smell in our lounge occasionally but Carey and Brian Christophers gave me a little gift before I left home which really helps, thanks my new friends!


I have been trying to knit.......

as well as catching up on my hand-sewing skills.  Des gave me a "lovebird" kit for my birthday.  Voila!

Robbie sent me back to Bantama with seeds from her tiny tomatoes dried on a paper towel.  I gave them to Arno to plant for me at the office and - ta daaa!  What a treat!
Porks on the new "mule".

Deon came from South Africa for two nights and Neil joined us for supper both nights.
We invited Willem and Jose` on the second night but Jose` wasn't feeling well.

Martin, Warren and Mike (the sugar boys) arrived for a few days at the hotel and we went to greet them at the office.    Martin is the "sugarcane" man and Warren is the "soil" man, so I call them the "sweet and dirty" men! 

They understand our living conditions and are so generous! They arrived with biltong, a large bottle of Mrs Ball's blatjang as well as some more fermented things and some three-day-old newspapers from SA.  Even if we don't read them, paper is like gold here. Everything is useful and appreciated!
Martin and Porks.

Warren and Shan.
Jose` and Mike Copeland, an engineer originally from Swaziland but now residing in Howick. 

I made them raisin buns, some ginger bread and some bacon and cheese puffs to take to the field with them on the days that they were here.  There is nothing here, nada, nix, nichts, no Spur, no KFC, no MacDonalds, absolutely zilch for them to have a snack on while they are working in the heat and it is too far for them to come back for lunch.

I don't know if anyone is able to grasp how soul uplifting and mood enhancing it is to have some similar thinking, talking, laughing men from our home country to visit!

How is this?......

My darling friend Lyn is facing some challenges at the moment and is not able to teach.  The substitute teacher who is taking her class in Hillcrest, is the wife of Harold.  He spends time with us in Bantama and is coming up next week!

Martin's wife, Coral, has a brother Bruce Brown who works for Busby Oils, owned by other great friends of ours, Jarrett and Kim Pech!  Bruce is married to Jean.  She is a teacher at Richmond Primary School, where our children went and the village where a lot of my friends still reside.

It really is a small, small world!

1 comment:

  1. 3 cheers to Genie and Gundi and all your friends, and to Shan and Porks. I relate to your soul lifting experiences. Hope you get more rain soon!
