Saturday 21 September 2013

Delish fish

I have managed to get my herbs growing again and ate Robbie's tomatoes, some rocket and basil and some mozzarella for can't believe how delicious it was.
Papengarru, a farmer near the office, loves Porks and often stops him on the road to give him tomatoes.  He arrived at our house the other night with a packet of shelled ground nuts. Porks' new boyfriend? Watch out Tony and Andre`!
Porks was working while the Boks were being robbed in Auckland. The children and I watched them together on our own.
I told Porks that I had cabin fever, so we went for an evening walk with Neil through Bantama on Saturday evening.
 Neil pointed out the homing pigeons on one of the roofs.
The owners even place a bowl of water out for them.  The other animals in the village seem to just have to forage for water and food wherever they can.
Together Neil and I persuaded Porks to go to the Sene River on Sunday so that Neil could fish for us.  Neil cast in about 10 times but the water was too muddy and he wasn't successful. Who cares?
 I was asked to make "samwiges", and also took ginger biscuits, apples, nuts, water and juice.
We noticed a boat with two gentlemen cleaning fish, so we walked across to see what they had caught.
 Their scaling skill was amazing to watch.
We managed to sign that we wanted to buy some fish and ended up paying 10 Cedis for 5 medium ones.  The generous fisherman threw in two extra.
He even threaded the fish through their gills for us to carry more easily.
We packed up and left for home so that the fish would still be fresh.  On the way two men on bicycles waved us down and pointed ahead in the road.  This poor puff adder had an injured tail full of flies but with Porks' leatherman's encouragement, it managed to slither slowly.  The men were shouting "kill it" and I was shouting "leave it", but being from a wildlife rich South Africa he coaxed it into the bushes on the side of the road much to their dismay.  I suppose if my family worked in the bush, I would have joined them in their gesticulations.

We ended up having a three-course meal for supper.  Soup for starters.

All seven filleted fried fresh fish for mains.

Toasted melba bread for afters.
For Shan, a great end to an outing into the wide wild world!

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