Monday 28 October 2013

We are the champions!

Two things that really thrive in Ghana...
Well, this one didn't!

  Where I come from Frisco is brown and used in hot water.

We had a wonderful promise of a storm the other night but it didn't amount to anything.  The clouds were spectacular in the sunset but my photography doesn't do them justice.

I built a jungle gym for Gunds and he loves it. We play hide and go seek and he skittles into the pipes to get away from me.  Then I hide around the corner and he runs to look for me.  I go "waaaaaaa" and his little legs go as fast as they can back to the jungle gym. I know, I know, small things...........

Deon is arriving on Saturday 2nd November and his unfinished house is like Old Mother Hubbard's.  So we decided to go shopping again in Accra for him, Arno and ourselves. John, of Cape Point t-shirt fame, drove us there on Saturday morning.
Now there's a real Kingsley sign Porks!
The only thing I could get to read along the way.
We went straight to the Mall to do the bulk of our shopping, leaving the cold things, butter, cheese, meat and fruit and vegetables for the morning.  There was a fabulous CD playing in the background while we shopped, "House of the Rising Sun" and "I'm a train" by Albert Hammond whom I saw live with my old boyfriend yonks ago, in Pietermaritzburg nogal.
In "Shoprite" which you can see is fully stocked, I bumped into Sark supporter Brian Freestone from Pietermaritzburg and Durban and Rita, from Lithuania.  He wasn't as thrilled to see me as I him, but then he doesn't live in remote Bantama like I do.  If they did live here though, I wouldn't have been voted Ms Obruni Bantama 2013, she was lovely.
We tried to book into the Best Western Hotel, full. Then the Airside Hotel, full. Then we tried the Hotel Georgia where the chaps and I stayed when we left Porks behind in South Africa the last time, plenty space.  I think we were the only people booked in for the night. Bless, the happy manager welcomed us with a broad smile and eager attitude and we were taken to our room.
It even had a falling off the wall soap dish, making us feel so much at home.
We were given rough thin prison like towels but loved them as they were thoroughly absorbent!
Some of us had a guess what?..........EEEEEEEEE.......sleep! And the rest of us read and kept in touch with the Sharks vs Province match by bbm and whatsapp.  How exciting was that match? 33 - 19! We are the Champions!
I then had to jam a table up against the plug in the wall that was charging my empty cell phone otherwise it wouldn't stay in.
We decided to go to the Holiday Inn for supper, so went outside to catch a taxi.  We noticed that in the sky were literally thousands of black "birds" all flying in the same direction.  I tend to exaggerate somewhat, so I checked with Porks as to how many he thought there were and he said "millions". We looked and looked to try and find out what birds they were and realised that they were bats!  I would love to have been able to follow them and see where they landed as there doesn't seem to be enough vegetation around Accra for all of them to find a spot on which to hang.
Once there, we had a thirst quenching drink by the incredibly inviting pool, Porks had TWO!

 As you can see, Edward got hold of me again a few weeks ago, Scissorhands, that is!

 And I did a rendition of our ferocious winning team.
Inside the Holiday Inn was this wooden cut-out of the map of the world.  Both Porks and I would love one on our wall at home but with the correct climatic colours....any offers?
I don't know whether you can gauge by this photo but the bottom step is slightly higher than the others. We have come across a number of these in Ghana, a flight of steps having different heights.  Just there to keep us on our toes and wake us up as we either trip or step hard onto the step that is higher or lower than the rest.

I battled to sleep properly without a gentle little nose sniffing up and down my leg before settling down in a comfortable spot in which to curl up and sleep.  I tried to persuade Porks to emulate Gunds, but he wasn't that keen.

The next morning we were given coffee, a plain egg omelet with baked beans, toast, butter and jam and I noticed these two magnificent oil paintings on the wall.
 A close-up of one of the taxis in the picture.

 A typical market day in Ghana.
 Fabulous detail.  Pips, you would have loved them. 

We then went back to Shoprite to complete the purchases and jammed the approximately R16000 worth of groceries into the back of the Fortuna.  The prices are exorbitant though.  One 213gm tin of salmon was R80 and one lettuce R85.  Most things are more expensive than home but we have only done a shop like this once before in January, so its not too bad. And remember, we were shopping for four people.  I said to Porks that when we eat the salmon and lettuce, we'll just pretend that we are at RJ's with friends.

We left Accra at 10am on Sunday morning and on the way home, we saw two images pertaining to bovines. 
One seemingly relaxed, but I'm sure, not at all!
 And this one.......

So we checked our seat belts, rolled up our windows and locked the doors!

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