Wednesday 23 October 2013

And the times, they are a changin'

There is less and less news to give you as Porks is working seven full days a week at the moment and he hasn't got the time or the vehicle to take me anywhere.  So I stay at home trying to make different things like....

.... mealie bread!
Thanks new food processor! 
The guys at the office planted a crop of mealies and we have been enjoying fresh mealies, mealie bread and corn as a vegetable for a few weeks now, yummy!
I had a pack of baby wool and knitted a fair dinkum blanket for someone special's baby!  Shhh!
John, our hospital helper, shopper and driver was wearing this t-shirt the other day and I got so excited.  When I asked him where he got it he told me "Kumasi".  He has asked to be one of the mulcher drivers so we'll have to get another driver to take us on our shopping trips.
There were some tough emotional decisions made this last week and they haven't been easy or happy ones.  Due to some personal reasons Neil decided to resign and go back to Scottburgh.  He flew out on Monday and has left a gaping hole for Porks as far as friendship and work goes and for me for some different, fun and understanding company. Anyone who loves Gundi almost as much as I do is a great human in my books! He is a hard working, eager and enthusiastic man and he supported Porks in all his work decisions and work plans for the future.  I was already sad about Genie and then Neil's resignation came soon afterwards. 
Porky and Neil were already working seven days a week together and now with Neil gone, there is even more work for Porks to do and I am seeing even less of him. 
The great news is that Deon is arriving early November to take over as leader. His wife Roz is coming up mid-November to have a look-see. Hold thumbs!
So there was one, then two, then three, then two and back to three, maybe four, and hopefully even five, six, seven with their children and another forester!
Com'on South Africans! 

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