Saturday 19 October 2013

My little Genie

My precious little Genie was getting more and more uncomfortable and I asked Porks to euthanize her on Wednesday morning.

When I got back from SA in July, she was unable to use her back legs properly.  We googled dietary requirements for her and found that we were feeding her most of the nutrients she needed.  I suspect that when I went away for so long she didn't play enough and as well as not having trees to climb she just got weaker and weaker and eventually stopped walking and at the end she was hardly eating.
It  was a very sad day for me but it was best for her as her quality of life was not what I would have wished for her. My one consolation is that if those children had not brought her to me that day, she would have been dead long ago.
Fortunately she needed Gundi more than he needs her, so he won't be too lonely without her.
Genes my baby, thank you for all the love and joy you brought to my life my special little girl. Your gentle nature, love and trust in me will live in my heart forever.


  1. Aah Shannie I'm heartbroken for you.... such sweet pictures <3

    1. Thanks Muffy, She really was a blessing to me my friend. Miss you, Shan. XXX

  2. So very sorry Shan ... sitting here with tears in my eyes. YES, you gave her a wonderful extended life ... she was indeed a very lucky little baby! Much love and hugs.

    1. Dear Fay,
      Genie was a huge blessing in my life, thank you! XXX

  3. Ahh so sorry dear Shan, just think what a lovely experience she gave you and some beautiful memories and love in your lonely life,and thank goodness you still have Gundy and Porks of course. Lots of love xoxoxoxoxoxo M&V

    1. Thanks Von, she did really bring me much happiness! XXX

  4. So sorry to hear that, poor little thing. Lots of love xx
