Monday 21 July 2014

I'm back

After a month of chilly weather, laughter, love and good company, we are back!

I didn't want to bore you with the same information as all the other holidays back in South Africa but there are a few things to tell you.

Just so you know that I am fairly active when I am in Ghana, I took this photo to show you my embroidery.

Some of the gorgeous girls from Pietermaritzburg Girls High School 1974 Matric year celebrated our 40th reunion while I was in South Africa.  In fact I travelled back early so that I could attend.

Below are the girls from VI L for Latin.......did I do Latin?!

Barbara, Mary and Wendy.  

Mary, Moi and Wen.

While in South Africa, I managed to meet up with most of my local girl friends and caught up with all their news.  Laughed, loved and hugged!

The night before we left home, we had a welcoming supper for the Nicholson's who had just returned from visiting their daughter, son-in-law and new grandson James in Australia, as well as a farewell for us.
My Tiki and Scruffy knew something was going on but enjoyed lying by the warm fire anyway.


On Tuesday morning, Kelly took us all to the airport.  Andrew flew back to Cape Town and we flew to Johannesburg.   I had such a wonderful week with my little family.

The trip to Johannesburg and Accra were fairly uneventful and we arrived back in Ghana on Tuesday evening to a cool 25 degrees and a lovely breeze blowing.  In fact, for the past five days, the weather has been wonderful with cloud cover every day and we hardly need to use the air conditioner. If the Ghanaians knew the word, they might even say it is "freezing!"  We went straight to the hotel where we left our luggage and went straight to Shoprite and Game to buy our non-perishables.  Our driver, Joe, waited for us to complete our shopping and then dropped us off at the Holiday Inn for supper.  After a delicious meal of fish for me and a hamburger for Porks, we caught a taxi back to the hotel.

After a lovely breakfast, we went back to Shoprite with our driver to buy the meat, yoghurt, fruit and vegetables and then placed them in cooler boxes.  We then asked him to take us to the market Tete Kwashi to buy a few small gifts and sent him on his way to Bantama.

We flew with Starbow airlines from Accra to Kumasi at 1.00pm, arriving at 1.50pm or so. I cannot remember the last time I saw ashtrays in the armrest of an aeroplane.

John, the other driver picked us up from the airport and after stopping to fetch a tyre, we were on our way.
On the way, he had witnessed some buckets falling from the vehicle in front of us and stopped to pick them up from the chap on the side of the road who had recovered them.

We chased after the driver, carefully, and caught up to him.  

 The owners of the buckets were thrilled!

We arrived home at about 6.30pm and Joe, the driver who had driven all the way from Accra with our groceries, arrived after us at about 7.00pm.  The von Beneckes had kindly asked us to join them for a delicious supper.

Buddy has been living with the von Beneckes for a few days, house and all, and on the day that we arrived he decided to disappear. They had been worried all day that something had happened to him but he was just on the prowl.  They found him in Bantama lying in the shade under a tree not at all concerned that he had caused such panic.

His testosterone has taken over his brain and he is scouting for ladies of the night, and day.  He has grown so much and is easily the biggest and tallest dog in Bantama.

I did NOT give him permission to do this!

We do love him though!
 He spends hours away from the house and only returns home when he is hungry, for food, or contentedly exhausted! 



  1. Hi Shannie - So glad you had a great time back in SA.

    The pics were lovely! Your embroidery looks beautiful, well done.

    Buddy is cute but Shan have you thought of sterilising him? I would be terrified he would get into a fight on his prowls and also that he could be siring many unwanted pups?

    Take care and continue to be happy and keep us entertained!

    Much love,
    Fay (and Peter of course)

    1. Thanks for the message Fay and Peter
      For the same reasons you suggest, we have already had Buddy sterilized, much to my consternation, see the next post! I just want to go home
      Love to you all.
      Shan and Porks

  2. Oh how sad am I my fwend that we missed each other but I hope we'll meet up again oneday soon! Keep up with the pretty embroidery☆!! How I miss you and your warm loving heart♥! Keep well and enjoy the "cool" weather!! Love you! Your other fwend, D!♡

    1. Hi my Deidre
      I am also so sad that we missed each other! I'll be back in September, perhaps you"ll be in the area then and we can catch up again!
      Love to your precious family.
      Your fwend Shan.
