Friday 20 December 2013

My little mongoose

I am so, so, so sad.  My precious little Gundi has died.  Colin, who had so kindly been looking after him in Ghana while we are away, was letting him walk across his legs to the coffee table and Gundi fell off and died.  Colin thinks he must have broken his neck.  Gundi loved to explore and was good at communicating where he wanted to go, so it could have happened to any of us.  I feel terrible for Colin too, as he got to love Gundi and had to relay the sad news to us.

Here are a few pictures you might have seen before but I needed to share these with you, as well as give a tribute to a little wild animal that brought unbelievable joy and fulfilment to my life in Ghana.  I spent far more time with this dear little creature than I did with my husband and he made living in a strange country bearable for me.

The last picture of my Gunds the day that I left to come back to South Africa.

There is a profound quote which ends this impossible tribute to my Gunds.
"Grief is the price we pay for love" and I would rather have loved and lost Gundi, than never have loved him at all. 
My heart is aching and I miss you my sweet little mongoose.


  1. So, so sad for you Shan - but he had a wonderful life with you and is now with Genie. I know the heartache. Hugs and love, Fay

    1. Thank you Fay, your condolences really help! I don't want to go back to Ghana anymore as I am still so sad, but I know you understand!

  2. Oh Shannie, I am so sorry, love and hugs

    1. Thank you Muffy, my friend. Your love eases the pain! Love you!

  3. We share in your pain and grief Shannie. I am so sorry. Thinking of you.

    1. Thank you Ed, knowing others care really helps, big hugs, Shan.
