Thursday 21 November 2013

One year down!

I have been in Ghana for a year and Porks has been here for 18 months.  A few of our friends didn't think we would be able to last for this long...and many a time we didn't either!  It has been one of the most challenging things Porks and I have ever faced and it cannot be explained to others who have not experienced these same conditions. On the other hand we are so thankful for the job we have and even more grateful for all the many blessings we have in South Africa.

I opened the chewed refrigerator one morning last week and there it was, sitting on top of the cupboard that encloses the fridge....the culprit! Being the absolute wussy that I am, I called Theresa and asked her to deal with the mouse and then ran out the house so as not to hear what was being done.  She then gave it to Gundi who growled at me when I came near! Growled! Huh!
Gundi is trying to escape.  He and I sometimes take a walk outside on the grass but we try and do it when the children are at school otherwise within seconds they have gathered around and are frightening Gunds.   Lately he has tried to get to the grass on his own and has managed to get out twice.  Once through this hole in the mesh that I have had to now block up with stones,

and the other time through the gate at the bottom which I have had to seal with an old rubber mat and a piece of metal.
I have also had to tie up the handles to stop the goats from pushing it open and eating my plants and at the same time leaving it open for Gundi!
I have to be so vigilant as people walk in through the gate to ask questions and to drop off things and then I have to remember to go out and seal all the holes again before Gundi can get out.  The trouble is that there are dogs around and I am terrified that he does not realise the danger and will get eaten. 
The first time I found him outside he was staring at four guinea fowl and they were having a conversation about him with their heads cocked and asking each other what that small brown thing was. 
So I  asked Porks to make a 10 metre plank to block off the gate and the hole so that I don't have to worry so much about him getting eaten.  I am leaving for South Africa soon and if this barrier works, at least I know we have tried our best to keep him inside and safe.

Lovely Roz, Deon's wife, arrived in Bantama for two nights and they came for supper the first night.  She and I went to Kwame Danso the next day with Joe, the driver and Sarah, the office cook, to see the market which I have shared with you already.
The second evening we were invited to their house for supper with the rest of the company men. This is the first time we had everyone who works for the company in one place altogether. A great team building exercise.
We sat on the open veranda as a lovely cool breeze was blowing with a storm and lightning in the background.  Having just had some rain it was fabulously refreshing. The South African men, Willem, Porks and Deon braaied chicken, pork and steaks bought from Accra.  Roz made a sauce and a coleslaw and I made a lemon custard pudding.
 Roz and Arno.
Gordon the commercial manager, Sergio the mechanic and Herman the advising engineer.
 Fernando he no speaka da English but I understood what he was saying here.
See, plenty of space for visitors, as I said,
  except for Jose and Herman who couldn't fit at the table.
Deon and Roz left for South Africa on Thursday morning and he will be back here in about twelve days.  Roz is coming back in the middle of February with Hannah and Emma. 
The other fantastic news is that a great man whom we have known for years and who worked well with Porks in the past, Colin Croudace, has been approved to come and help. He should be arriving within the next two weeks!  He and his wife Audrey will join our team.  They will also make a huge difference to the work load and our very sorry social life!  Yippee yippee yay yay!


  1. Dare I say happy anniversary Shan? You and Porks have done so well. Great to see the new faces in the fold

    1. Thanks Ed. Colin Croudace joining us in a few weeks - first class man, so very excited!

  2. Hi Shan, please wish Porkey a Very Happy Birthday from us all in Aus! Thinking of you and hope you celebrate with your new friends. Still enjoy following your blog.
    Love, Peter and Fay

    1. Porks says thanks so much to all of you. Just the two of us here to celebrate his special day! XXX
