Monday 15 July 2013

The last days at home

I really have had such a fun-filled and happy time back home in South Africa but I am ready to go back with Porks and to be with my other children, who we both miss!  Genie has become partially paralysed in her back legs, so I am desperate to get to her and love her.  We cannot believe how much we are missing her and Gundi!

Andrew is back safely in Cape Town, Kelly is back at school teaching and Porks and I are running around with doctor's appointments, collecting parcels, special batteries and saying last minute good-byes.

                      I am never happier than when I have the whole family together.


It has been a very short stay for Porky as he doesn't get much leave but the fact that I am going back with him has sweetened the bitter pill for him.....I think, I presume, I hope!

There are two new KZN South African gentlemen there now and I am sure they will satisfy some of the loneliness and lack of communication which we both (and they too, presumably) crave.  (Well, some of us do!!!)

A final fun visit full of laughter and memories with Britt and Robbie remind me how lucky we are to have them in our lives and, no matter how difficult it is in Ghana, we have loving friends back home waiting for us with open arms!! I have been sent back with more love parcels, thank you Robs and Britt!

Charlie, Ren and Porks - our old, old, very old (!) friends who always have happy and predictable banter, flirting and joke telling!

Somebody loves me! (Porks making the most of giving me beautiful flowers as they are not readily available where we live.)

We fly out tomorrow (Tuesday) morning.
My suitcase is packed with many, many balls of wool, as well as new knitting and crocheting patterns which should keep me busy for the 5 months until we come home again at Christmas.  Pips has given me some fabulous patterns to try, as well as some new movies and series to watch.

I'll be in touch again when we get back to our second "home" in Ghana.


  1. Our love and thoughts are with you always, good luck with the coming months.

  2. Thanks Von....see new post for update!!! Eish!!!
