Sunday 7 July 2013

Porks arrives in SA

I have had a wonderful time healing and being cared for and loved by my family, doggies and friends.

Kelly and I were invited to spend a few days with my brother and sister-in-law, Mike and Vonnie, (of ipad fame) and their daughter Yvette in Hermanus before I fly back to Ghana. 

Kell and I flew to Cape Town on Tuesday 2nd July from a warm and sunny Kwa-Zulu Natal to a Cape Winter.  Wrapped up in scarves, boots and warm coats, we were met at the airport and whisked off to Onrus, a suburb of Hermanus, where we were welcomed with a delicious cup of coffee and apple tart.

This is the view from the kitchen window - the back of the house, hey Von?

The sea view from one of the large windows in the lounge.

After a very late night of chatting and catching up on news from both sides of the family, we woke up late and went for a drive to see the scenery around Hermanus.  Mike and Vonnie drove us to De Kelders and we were lucky enough to spot some whales.  That little white dot on the right of the picture below the mountains is the whale expelling air from its blowhole.
One of the things we wanted to do was to go wine tasting and to buy wine for Roger.  The first place we went to was Raka.

Then we giggled our way to Stanford Hills.  There was no official wine tasting available but Hennie was accommodating and let us taste anyway.  We found a bicycle "against" the wall there........

 ..................and tried to ride it!

 Don't laugh........See???  Yvette couldn't manage either!!!

We ended up at a lovely little Bistro on the beach front.  The wind was blowing and it got pretty chilly but that didn't stop us from laughing and trying to taste more wine!

We had delicious fresh hake and salad and some more wine........(this IS the Cape, remember?)

Kell and I, best friends, not mother and daughter, just had to show everyone how much fun we had had had had.

We went to bed a little earlier on the second night (!) and then took a slow, scenic drive to Cape Town.  The South Wester seemed to also be blowing from the North and East and the top of the sea had swirls like mini huricanes.

When Kelly jumped up into the air, the wind actually pushed her forward!  If she had opened her wind-cheater, she would have taken off like "birdman".

                                                          Vonnie, my other sister.


We brushed our hair and went to meet Andrew at the Victoria and Albert Waterfront.      

                                      Kelly and Yvette, her gentle, kind and humble cousin.
 Michael, Porky's only sibling and his wife Yvonne.  They have always been hugely supportive, generous and loving towards our family.
Together with my special children again.  I only feel whole when Porks, the children and myself are all in the same place together.

We slept at Andrew's flat and had to get up at 4am to get to the airport in time to fly at 6.30am to Durban.  We arrived at King Shaka airport at 8.30amish and Porks flew in from Ghana/Johannesburg at 9.05am.

We have been told, "children won't do what you say, they do what you do!"
Like father, like son.

In the aeroplane...... the car! 

Porks was thrilled to be home to see his two legged and four legged children!  They were so excited to see him again and showered him with kisses and high pitched squealing! (The four-legged ones that is.)

On Saturday we had to do a few things in town before going to visit Porks' mom in the afternoon.  Porks had told Kelly..."I need Shannie, tea and a newspaper....and Shannie can read the newspaper to me!" 

While waiting for a hair appointment, Porks, Andrew and I went for some quality time, conversation and tea at a local coffee shop.

                                                      I was given beautiful roses though!

Grandma was delighted to see her family.  She had fallen the week before, but was looking so much better.
Mom loves getting out of the confines of frail care and enjoys seeing the sunshine, trees, mountains and breathing the fresh air, so we try and get her out as much as possible.
This time she chose tea and ice cream.

The two Nicholson's, one Orford and one Mann came for supper on Saturday night.
On Sunday morning, the manne packed the truck and drove off noisily with banter, laughter and testosterone to go bird shooting for a few days....and left the un-made beds, messy house, dirty clothes, piles of dishes and dry garden for Kelly and me!


  1. Hi Shan, thanks for the kind words. Was awesome to see you and glad you had a good time. Chat soon. Lots of love, Yvette.

  2. Yeah it was awesome to have you guys here, next time we hope Porks can also enjoy our part of paradise, love you lots, Von

  3. Hi Yvette
    We had a wonderful fun time with you and wish you would see in yourself what we see in you!!!
    Lots of love

  4. Hi Von and Mike
    Thank you again for sharing your piece/peace of Africa with Kelly and me. It was great catching up on all the family news again. The wining was great too!
    Lots of love,

  5. Great to see you and family having a good time Shan. The weather in Cape Town seems VERY similar to weather in Melbourne (lots of wineries too). Hope your back is ok and please say hi to Porks and family.. Take care.

  6. Thanks Ed! Loved the wining! Better than the whining!!!
    Leave on Tuesday to go back to Ghana! Will send love and love back to you all!!!
