Tuesday 12 March 2013

Proud parents

We went out again on Sunday to check on things and to take the children for a drive/outing. They seem to enjoy it although sometimes Gundi gets a little car sick. Genie climbed on Porks' shoulder and then proceeded to keep climbing! I think she thinks he is a tree! She loves to cuddle under my hair too, sticking her nose right into my ear, my nose, licking my lips and gently playing with my eye-lashes!

The "new and improved" patient Porkles.
(I wouldn't have believed it either Kell and Andrew!)

Genie has huge eyes but during the day she doesn't seem to see very well, being nocturnal.  She does not like to venture too far away from us and comes when she is called but bumps into my hand before climbing up.   She is not at all vocal in the vehicle.  Gundi is getting better at advising us when he wants to stop...or is it that our listening skills are improving?

We leave the windows open although it is extremely hot as Gundi, especially, does not like the cold air-con. 

On the way home, I placed Genie on Porks' shoulder and she fell asleep.

She was so well balanced that even on the plantation road she didn't move.
Genie was so relaxed that her back legs were just hanging loose.  It looked as though Porks had just thrown her over his shoulder and left her there, like a towel.

Genie's back and legs started falling sideways.

I thought it was the sweetest thing to see her feet just dangling.

I had Gundi sleeping and balancing on my shoulder.  We couldn't leave him out of the pictures!
Gundi seems to have more of a hairy pelt where Genie has cotton wool-like fur.  We now know why a Genet's skins are so sought after for clothing.  Not only are they beautiful but extremely soft. She is not as cuddly or as needy as Gunds though. 
They are getting on so well.  They eat out of the same lid now. 
 You can see the size difference at the moment.

Our beautiful Genie. We have had her just over two weeks and she is already a huge part of the family.

A very quick learner.

Gundi has been desperate to play but until this week Genie was not interested.  Now she stands on her back legs and then pounces on Gundi and hides behind things to taunt him.  I sit and watch them for minutes! I am so happy for them and hope that it lasts.

As heavy as Gundi is on his feet, Genie is light. As I told you before, it looks as though Gundi is wearing gumboots (wellingtons) when he walks.  His feet are long and he walks determinedly. Well, if that is the case, then Genie is wearing ballet slippers.  She is lighter, faster and far more agile than my precious Gunds. He is thick set like a "Blue Bull" and she is as light as a feather and seems to walk on the tips of her toes. (Like my friend Lyn!)

When scratching Gundi I can be quite rough and he enjoys it but Genie is very delicate and I have to be far more gentle.

One of the evenings this week when the lights had gone off, I went and lay on the bed and read.  A few minutes later, Gundi appeared next to me in the dark. He had climbed up his ladder to join me.  After a while I had a shower and then sat in the lounge with Porks and after about 30 minutes we decided to go to bed.  He had asked me where Gundi was and I had told him that he was lying on the bed.  When we got there, Gunds was gone!  No-where to be found.  We called and called and searched the whole house with our torches.  Porks even went outside to look for him.  I said that he would either stay in the room or come and find me but he had just vanished! After half an hour, I was hot and wet through again but kept checking the same places hoping that the result would be different.  Eventually I banged on all the furniture, opening doors and drawers and calling his name as sometimes when he is asleep his ears shut down.  He suddenly appeared from the cupboard drawer, blinking and looking very confused as if to say "Whaaaaat?...why did you wake me up!"

He had climbed under the drawer when it was open and I had closed it when I came into the room to look for him.  Oh my word, we were so relieved.  I wouldn't have slept if we hadn't found him.  I had been feeling slightly down that day and finding Gunds just put life back into perspective and I was smiling again.  Its wonderful how a little wild creature like Gunds can steal ones heart so easily.

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