Sunday 25 May 2014

Catch Up

There has not been anything interesting happening so there has been nothing new to tell you.  Deon has come, gone, come and gone again.  Hans has been and is coming again next week.  We have had Ian, Arno and the other South African men for supper but you know what they look like by now, so no new photos.  Deon comes back the week after next. 
Buddy has become a gentle, obedient dog unless we get visitors, then he behaves like ones young children behave when one wants to show them off to ones guests.  He has the cutest way of greeting us or when letting me know he is happy. When I pick up his bowl and say "Is it supper time, Buds?", he puckers his hairy little lips, flattens his ears back and emits a low "arrrrrrrrrrrr". We still miss and get sad about Gundi but Buds has filled the loneliness and day to day monotony for me.
The company houses have got security guards to stop non-company vehicles entering the premises. They have hung a length of rope with plastic packets tied on it to warn one of the road block.  The guards have ingeniously also erected a tent for inclement weather.
We have, on occasion, taken Buddy for a walk in the forest.   He still prefers to walk in the shade as the sun, even at 9 o'clock in the morning, has heated the sand to where he cannot walk comfortably.  He runs along the road, trying to find any little bit of shrubbery or shade where he can cool his paws.

On our way back from tomato shopping the other day, we saw this unusual sign on the back of the truck.  In a land where God is revered, it seemed strange until we drove closer.

Then it made sense.

Buddy thoroughly enjoys going with us on our drives to see how the workers are doing over the weekends when Porks is not officially working. 

Last Sunday, while Porks was checking up on the blanking, we came across a small fire with this huge one and a half metre puff adder being smoked.
The workers were on their way home and we asked to see the snake that they had cooked over the coals.
Porks and I tentatively had a nibble and it was unexpectedly tasty!  It had the smokiness of the fire, the taste of sweet chicken and the texture of dried biltong . I wonder who has been watching Master Chef?   This is officially the strangest thing I have ever eaten.
My little boy still finds strange positions to lie in and yet sleeps very comfortably.  Funny little chap.
I travel back to the much longed for South African Winter in just over two weeks. I am going a little earlier than expected as I have a 40th high school reunion.  I cannot wait to catch up with my special friends and to be with my darling children again. Porks joins me in early July and we fly back to Ghana together in mid-July.  Until then, please take care and Shannie hugs to you all.


  1. Hope to see you... will let you know my dearest "fwend"!!!

  2. We know you are going to love it all, will phone to catch up.xoxoxo

  3. Are you bring back some snake to braai? :)
