Thursday 10 April 2014

Happy Birthday Me

I felt so very loved yesterday.  The many wishes by telephone, on face book, whats app, bbm and email made my day very special and close to you all even though we are so far away.

Hans arrived with some embroidery that I had asked for as well as a present for Buddy.  He came for dinner with Deon and Grant Slattery from Kloof who is here for just over a week to help the company put accountancy programmes in place. 
Grant and Me
I had asked Kelly to send up another chew bone or two for Buddy.  He has finished the small first one that we had bought.  This kept him quiet while we were having dinner and by the size of it, I'm sure for many hours to come.

Thank you all for making me feel so special.


  1. WE don't make you feel special, YOU are special.

  2. I hope you had a great birthday. Thanks for keeping up with the posts. Although I don't comment every time, it is so good to see what you and Porks are up to. Life here is all good. Liska home for another month and a half and then she is going back to the USA and England. Clint is Clint and keeps us young and grey haired. Love to you both xxx

  3. Happy Easter, Shan and Porky. Hope the Easter Bunny finds you in Ghana. Continue to love reading your blog Shan. All the best.
