Monday 6 January 2014

The end and the beginning

It is nearly time to return to Ghana and I am a little apprehensive about going back this time without my Gundi to greet me.  The positive side of this story is that Audrey, Colin's wife, will be there for a while and that should assuage some of the loneliness for me.

I have had such fun while I have been at home though.   Besides partying with all my normal? friends whom you have already met, we spent some time some of our other friends too.

                    Sandy McKenzie, Hazel Hosking, Charleen Hulley, moi and Jenni Marwick.
 The manne.  Stu McKenzie, Craig Marwick, Lance Hosking, moi's man and Mike Hulley.
Kelly, Roger, Andrew and I went fly fishing in the Tugela River near Winterton.  The boys did most of the fishing though. 
  Kell caught a little yellow fish.
Roger persuaded me to have a go and he cast in for me. I just had to "jiggle" the rod and reel in slowly.  On the second cast, I hooked a fish and zweeeeeee went the line.  Roger was so excited and asked if he could reel it in for me as I probably would have lost it.   After quite a few minutes of playing the fish he brought it to shore.  We measured the yellow fish and it came to 58 and a half centimetres.  The largest Roger had ever seen.

We had to decide to whom the fish belonged as I had hooked it but Roger had cast and reeled it in, so neither of us could honestly claim it.  So we decided that "Shager" had caught it!

Roger posing with our fish.

Me, posing with the same fish!  Look at the difference in size! Oh my word, these crafty fishermen!

 My special little family together!
Christmas Day with our wonderful friends, the Nicholson's and their two sons in law. Oh, and Mabel of course, the little black bundle of happiness.
Unfortunately Andrew had to get back to Cape Town just after Christmas, so we took him to the airport and met our great Pinetown friends for lunch.
My stalwart friend Lyn Dales who has had some challenges to face the last few months but continues to be radiant and positive, and her husband Brian who has been the family's pillar of strength and guiding light.

 One of their sons Greg and his darling wife Desiree.
 The twins, Andrew and Greg who were both at school with our Andrew.
 I had tea with Pippa Nicholson and Rina, our earth angel friend.  Giggles, giggles and more giggles.
New Year's eve spent at our special friend's beautiful home, the MacGillivrays. 
Karen Poole, Porks and gracious Amanda Greene.
 Amanda, John Farr and Robbie MacGillivray.
 John Campbell, Britt Stubbs and Leigh MacGillivray.
 Robs, Shan, Ren Stubbs enjoying the love and Bronwyn MacGillivray.
 My wonderful Robs and me.  Robbie was one of my special friends who visited my parents and my mom-in-law in Amberfield when I couldn't get there.
Two of the three MacGillivray girls, Leigh and Bronwyn.  Kirsten is in Thailand at the moment but we were all together in spirit.
Shan and Charlie MacGillivray.  He and Robbie have always opened their hearts and their home to my family.
Herewith endith 2013 and the year 2014 begineth!
Happy New Year!
 We had tea with our friends from Richmond, Trevor and Rae English.
 Lunch with their son Robin and Bridgette, my busy and generous friend.
We met up with Deon and Roz, our soon to be Ghanaian friends and their two pretty little girls, Emma and Hannah who are hopefully going to somehow take the place of my Gundi.
After some concerns about my having no confirmed booking, it now seems we are both booked to leave tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. This time Porks and I fly together.  I am almost finished packing but am still throwing in last minute essentials as well as trying to squeeze in requests from other expats.  We are having one more braai tonight under our beautiful blue South African skies and then early to bed to get ready for an early start in the morning.
Huge squeeeeze!


  1. Safe travels and hope you settle again when you get there. Love to you all xxx

    1. Thanks safely but very heart sore! I can't believe that I have been affected by Gundi's absence so much. We will have to start again! Lots of love rom us both.

  2. Hi shan. Do we see you at the college camp in january? Or will you be away by the weekend?

    1. Hi Andre
      Sorry, back in Ghana already. I'll miss the College Camp. Have fun and love to all. XXX
