Thursday 21 February 2013

The pub!

On Wednesday evening, Porks phoned me to say that he had to go with Tony to Kwame Danso to look at a tractor that the company wants to hire.  He said "I'm fetching you in ten minutes."  We went to see the tractor and organise a driver and then on the way home we all stopped at the "take away" to have some goat.

The chef cut pieces of meat off the bone and placed them on a piece of newspaper. He then cut pieces off what South Africans know as a "pofadder", the stomach filled with giblets and other body parts. The "pofadder" is the long dicey looking thing on the right hand side of the picture.

I picked it up to show you the insides but its not very clear.

 Porks then asked the owner/manager to cut some onion as well, so pieces of raw onion were added to the plate, along with some curry coloured pepper.

The corners of the newspaper were tied up with a twist of his fingers and then placed in a plastic bag.

Although the meat was a little tough and I had to chew it off the gristle, it was tasty. Another little adventure in an otherwise mundane day.

We then walked to the "pub" next door. An open air thoroughfare that houses chairs and tables under cover.  Happy music was blaring and Sarkwa, the owner, welcomed us.

We were asked if we wanted beer of coke, and we all chose coke.  We sat down to eat our pub snacks and drink our coke to the amazement of the locals.  


The little children around were too scared to dance with me, so Porks said to Tony, "Watch, this is how we dance in South Africa" and grabbed me and off we went!!! (Eyes wide! Who is this man?)

We spent about 15 minutes chatting and when we wanted to pay for the cokes, Sarkwa insisted that they were on him.  He is an ex-policeman who is retired and decided to run a pub in Kwame Danso.

                                            These cute felines were not interested at all!

It's amazing to me how a little outing like this boosts my spirits and energy levels for another week!
                                                                 Thanks Porkles.


  1. Goat meat ... I don't know, but good on you !! Nice that Porkey can take you on these little impromptu outings.

    Just one thing. What if you need a dentist?

    Take care,
    Love, Fay

    1. I'm hoping that we won't need one, Fay. If we do, it will have to be Accra or home!
      Love Shan.

  2. well, Sharon, at least you know its Goat - not Horse, or dog. You've obviously heard about the world-wide scandal with food processing companies using horse-meat in their pre-packaged food...Is the beer that bad that you all chose to drink Coke???
