Saturday 23 January 2016


In Pietermaritzburg the Mediclinic is ironically in Payn Street and the KFC is in Burger Street.  So when I saw this packet handed out from the Pharmacy in Kumasi, I was amused. 
 I also find the street addresses comical. We were once told that in Ghana when one asks for directions to a certain place one often gets advised to "turn left at the lady selling shoes under the mango tree".
Another quaint habit is that when people arrive at our house they start saying "knocking knocking" before even arriving at the door but don't actually get to knock!

Our little Bantama is growing.  Before the company got here, very few Bantamanians had worked for a boss or got paid to do a job. Many are now getting a salary and some have opened new local businesses.  I bought some material in the new recently opened container.

Faustina (whose wedding I attended last year) and Tina the seamstress, made a sample dress for me before I handed over the newly bought material.  With a few tweaks and adjustments it fitted fairly well.

                                      This is the little shop where my dresses were made.

I washed the three new pieces. I asked the seamstress to make 3 dresses exactly the same as the black and white one.

This gentleman pleaded with me to take a photo of him with his manual wheel chair.  An innovative idea for these flat roads.

The staff were invited one Sunday to Per and Anna's house for drinks and to play boules.
Anna, Per, Porks, Anura and Arno inspecting the ground.

 I didn't realise that I was so tall! And so slim!

 Porks, Fernando, Per, Aruna, Arno, Anna and Jose relaxing after the fun afternoon.

On the way back to South Africa in November I found an architect for you if you need one Kell and Sloth.

We had to sleep one night in Accra as the flight I caught home left early in the morning. The black and white dress that Tina had made for me.

One of the completed Ghanaian dresses
Another one. I hadn't requested the frills but then one takes what one gets when in another country and it makes it more Ghanaian anyway.
I was surprised to see that the bus I travelled on from the terminal to the plane had an Afrikaans name.

 On the flight from Johannesburg to Durban I was seated next to Spud's father!

 Again I was spoiled with beautiful flowers from my Kelly!

Kelly, Roger and a few friends went up Sani Pass and came across this written on a board. Funny! I wonder which Obrunni had visited our beautiful Drakensburg?

This glow worm was in the garden at home one evening. This was taken at night with a flash and I couldn't focus, therefore the blurridity!

 And without the flash...amazingly bright!

Then this little tortoise was rescued scuttling on the tar near my home. Andrew suggested I call it Sheldon!  I let it go in our garden and I have not seen it again. They don't call South Africa the Mecca of wildlife for nothing!

I was blessed to have my special friend Haylee from Richmond, Underberg, Cape Town, Washington D.C. and now St. Andrews in Canada, spend nearly a week with me. What a privilege. It was such a wonderful, laughter and fun filled time with my greatly loved and missed friend. We spent one afternoon at a wine farm and bought a few bottles of the local beverage to share at home.

 Our other special friends Lyn and Brian and their family who are facing big challenges at the moment, continue to be positive, inspirational and huge warriors!

I decided that a green Christmas tree with snow is not what I want anymore as it does not fit in with the hot Summers in South Africa. new green summer South African Christmas Tree.

 Christmas morning at the Mann's.
 My little girls opened their presents at our house before we opened ours.
MY best gifts ever! 

Porks and I bought a few gifts for a few of our Ghanaian helpers and acquaintances. Rogers, who is the cook at the office, loved his new individualised chef's hat. 

My new favourite inspirational quote. May I never be complacent and always grateful.

Praying for you my special friend Lyn,