Wednesday 29 April 2015

8 April 2015

I know I am biased but this was the most perfect wedding!  Without the help of all our family, friends and the supporting companies, it would not have all come together like it did. A huge thank you to you all.

On a cloudy day on Wednesday 8th April 2015, before the ceremony, we and the bridesmaids travelled to a farm just outside Pietermaritzburg and had a few professional photos taken.  The photos that I have posted are from Andrew's cell phone.

Kelly and her wonderful bridesmaids.

Two of my most favourite people in the world, Kelly and Andrew.

Our special family.

It was Roger's dream to fly Kelly to the venue and up until that morning it was not certain that the weather would comply.

Kelly and Andrew with the helicopter that flew Porks, Kelly and me to the wedding venue.

Kelly and me with some of the beautiful flowers that our friends had worked so hard to arrange.

Me and my very precious daughter.

Kelly and Roger saying their vows.
Sigh! Perfection!

The photos from the lead up to the wedding and decorating the venue etc., have taken too long to upload so please just enjoy these few from the actual day.

My birthday was the following day and again I am overwhelmed and grateful for all the wishes and love sent to me from all over the world.

Porks and I flew to Johannesburg the following Tuesday to catch our connecting flight to Accra. We arrived in Johannesburg 20 minutes early as the pilot announced we were given a shorter route!  I thought all flights flew the shortest route....ah well, we live and learn.

The 'plane parked quite a distance from the terminal and we had to board a bus to take us to "arrivals".  The automated lady on the bus spoke in a Chinese accent which brought the normally statue-like passengers unexpected light relief and joy.  "We are now turning reft"  was enough to bring the house down and one gentleman was quick to announce "This must now be our 12th official language."

We have been back in Ghana for nearly two weeks.

After much contemplation and sadness I have decided to stop posting on my blog. I will continue to write our news on an email and then send it in bulk to those of you who are interested in reading it. Please let me know if you'd like to be included and I'll gladly keep you informed of our adventures.

To all of you who have supported us so far, you will never know exactly how much it has meant to us to have you in our corner!