Monday 29 September 2014

Two weddings and no funeral.

Porks, the driver John, and I left at 7am on Sunday morning for the long drive to Kumasi.  Along the way I received a call from friends (of a friend of mine) who moved to Kumasi at the beginning of August.  We have been in touch over the phone about the living conditions in Ghana as well as supporting each other.  Mini and Martin have a five year contract as well.  She wanted to know what time my flight was and they met us at the airport for lunch.  

What a delightful couple.  They are from Newcastle and ons het 'n bietjie Afrikaans gepraat.  
Mini and Martin Scharneck.

Philip, their driver and Mini and Martin.
See the Spring rolls?  Just in time for SpRiNg dAy!

I flew out of Kumasi at about 2.30pm and landed in Accra at approximately 3.20pm. Then the long wait until departure at 22h30.  I had chosen a seat which I thought was the most convenient out of all the remaining available seats and by being sneaky I ended up having 4, four, for, fore, seats to myself!
But I was concerned about Ebola,

and Justin Case, Malaria.

After a fairly undisturbed 6 hours, we landed in Johannesburg at 6.30am (4.30am Ghana time). I found my lovely red suitcase, had a Mugg and Bean coffee and scrambled egg on rye and watched a movie on my computer, willing the time to pass until the 12h15 flight to Pietermaritzburg.  I also found a Woolworths and bought two beautiful scarves and some shoes.  I returned them to the local Woolworths the following day though as I realised that I didn't really want them...I was just quenching my shopping thirst!

I was welcomed home by my darling Kelly.
See the Ghanaian Kente runner? special friend Joyce,

and another special friend Pippa.

The first night back we went for fish at John Dory's.  
                                                       For all you "fishwives" out there!

Sandra and Andre Nel bought us a lemon tree for our new home just over two years ago and here are the first lemons! I was thrilled to see how our tree had grown.

The first wedding was in Ballito so Kell, Roger and I decided to make a weekend of it.  Breakfast on the beachfront.  Bliss.

The beautiful bride Jannet and her new groom Warwick.

Four generations of  girls. Shirley, Angie, Brigit and little Olivia, In order of birth, not left to right.

Henry with gold handbag, nogal, and Angie.

Angela, my bridesmaid and friend of more than 34 years.  Angie's memory is unbelievable and it was somewhat delightful to find out about things that Porks and I had done and said that I didn't remember. Kell was enthralled at the antics of her parents. I wasn't that much!

Angela, Henry and drenched Shan from happy dancing.

The three of us went to "Sage" for brunch on Sunday.

Fishing in the Umkomaas on Sunday afternoon and evening.

I had a lovely day with my little girls.

Back at Roselands Outdoor Adventure Centre, the best job in the world, with Tracey from Thomas More and Hazel, my partner and best working colleague ever!

Thomas More happy children!

Barbara and the blogger. I have mentioned most of these people before, so you already know how much I love her.

Angie and Henry were leaving to go back to the UK the following day, so we popped down to Gilletts for a last minute catch up and goodbye hug.
                                                   Margie and Roy, Angie's cousins-in-law.

Henry, Karen and Gavin Corbishley (Angie's brother-in-law and sister-in-law) Shan and Ang. What a support they have been to Angela, Henry and also to me.

Margie Harel from The Fat Aubergines in Pietermaritzburg with Wendy and her special mother, Pat Watson.  If you ever catch yourself in the area during the week at lunch time, THIS is the place to be. Delicious, wholesome food, a welcoming but casual atmosphere and the warmest and most vivacious hostess! Really, I mean really really worth a visit.
Listen to, I mean read this co-incidence.  My family moved up to Pietermaritzburg from East London in 1965 and I started going to Pelham Primary School.  We moved to Steele Road and were living very close to Wendy's house so we became fast friends as she was also at Pelham. We found out later that her mother, Pat Watson (nee MacDonnell) was delivered into this world by my father's mother, Gross mama! They all lived in Birkett Road in those days.  So Wen and I go back to the days before we were even born!

Supper at Traffords in Pietermaritzburg with dear and special friends.

My beautiful brave, positive and stoic friend Lyn and her loving and supportive husband Brian.

The gals.

Jarrett and Kim Pech who own Busby Oils, manufacturers of Liquid Gold and fabulous products called B.O.N.

Kind and warm Kerry Brown and me.

My precious daughter and one of my bestest friends.

My happy, positive and loving niece, Tori and her little bundle of joy, Summer.


The second wedding I attended was in the beautiful garden "Gartmore" in the Karkloof.  Robyn had worked tirelessly throughout the very dry winter to get her garden looking like a "Show Garden" and she succeeded, it was stunning, as were the young ladies. 
Paula, Kirsten, Leigh and Bronwyn.

The Teichman/MacGillivray girls headed by the glue, Mikki.
Kirsten, Bronwyn, Leigh and their mum Robbie. Mikki. Lindsay, Robbie's sister and her daughter Paula.
The love and warmth at the wedding was tangible and filtered down to all the guests.  I felt so blessed to have been a part of it.  I LOVE this family!
Charlie and Robbie.

Karin Pool and Leigh MacGillivray.......the MacGillivray-Pools.

Lyn Morphew, Shan and Britt Stubbs who kindly supplied the best bed and breakfast in the midlands at an unbelievable rate!  I recommend it!

Robbie and Shan.

And back at The Fat Aubergine with Jen.

I love my country.  Woolworths celebrating Heritage Day in style.

It's now official!

I went to the optometrist to get new glasses and the lady asked me, "Are your eyes always that colour?"  I stood up a little straighter, grinning, and immodestly answered, "Yes."
So she asked "Is it painful?"  Stunned, I said, "No, why?"  She replied "They're red!"
Said I, "Oh, I thought you meant are they always blue!"    We almost fell on the floor laughing and I was brought straight back down to size in a flash!  That'll learn me.

Carey Christophers and Kell.  Carey is a teaching colleague of Kell's and is responsible for getting Kelly and Roger together.  She is just the lady to give me peace in Ghana, as she is like another mother to Kell and a wonderful friend to me, kind, gentle and generous.

Kell and I bonding together at The Knoll in Hilton.  A free evening of live music and great atmosphere every Wednesday evening.

A bonus afternoon with Bo in the Valley of 1000 Hills, stunning!

 Another fun-filled evening with our other family, the Nicholsons, Pips and Bev.

And...last    Another visit to.............The Fat Aubergine!
Lyn, Jen, Brian, Megs, Shannie and Robbie.

After another joyous time at home, I leave tomorrow, Tuesday, morning but this time with a huge grin and sunshine in my heart.   Kelly and Andrew are going to Ghana with me to spend 10 days with us exploring and sharing in the adventure.  There is not much to see and nothing to do but when we are old, older, it will be something that we can share as a family.  We will keep you posted on their experiences.